4 thoughts on “APPEARANCES

  1. Ty: Just wanted to thank you for coming to our library. I hope it was a successful day for you.

    I also want to tell you I have been wondering about your parents. I am so glad they are OK and that their home is OK. Please give my regards to them.

    Marjorie Mutzner

  2. Hey Ty,

    I am very impressed… here’s wishing you lots of luck for all your future books in the pipeline.


  3. Hey Ty!

    Congratulations on the release of ‘Night School’ and all the other projects completed and in the works!! I can’t wait to read ‘Thirst’ as well.

    The site looks great and I hope things come together for you!! See you at the book signing ( unless I find a job and there’s a time conflict lol).

    Congrats again and best wishes for any future endeavors!!

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